
How to choose a plastic pet water bottle


Drinking cups are often used by us. Glass cups are gene […]

Drinking cups are often used by us. Glass cups are generally non-toxic and harmless, and can withstand high temperatures, but plastic pet water bottle are different. Because of the uneven quality, some inferior ones are prone to produce toxic substances when heated. The method of choosing plastic cups .

Look at the purpose.

The body of the water cup will be marked with a purpose, so the water cup should be selected for "food use". Try not to buy and use cups marked for other purposes, otherwise it will have an adverse effect on health. Do not buy plastic cups if they are not marked for use.

Look at the material.

The material of the water cup determines the quality of the water cup. Generally speaking, silicone resin is better, followed by polypropylene particles (pp). This type of material has strong resistance to high temperatures and low temperatures. The temperature range of the former is- 40 degrees-200 degrees, the latter is -20 degrees-120 degrees.


Good plastic water cups will not smell very special even if they are new, but some low-quality plastic cups can smell pungent inferior plastic or rubber smell as soon as they are close, indicating that the quality of the cup is very poor, try not to Buy.

Look at the production license sign.

Before the production of water cups, a special agency is required to issue a license. Therefore, the bottle body of the water cup will be marked with the "QS" production license mark. Although this mark does not determine the quality of the cup, only water cups with this mark can be considered for purchase. And the color of the logo should be pure and clear, and beware of fakes.

Look at the manufacturer, address and contact information, etc.

The water cups produced by regular manufacturers will clearly indicate the specific manufacturer, production address, distributor, and specific contact information. The above information for inferior water cups is often ambiguous, or there is no similar information at all.

Observe the number on the bottom of the cup.

Generally, plastic products have clear numbers on the bottom. The ones used as water cups are more assured that the number 5 or 7,5 is PP polypropylene, with a melting point of up to 167°C. It is the only plastic product that can be placed in a microwave oven and can be cleaned carefully. Repeat afterwards. 7 is other types of PC, common water bottles, space cups, baby bottles, etc. However, this type of water cup is not well designed, and it is easy to release the toxic substance bisphenol A after heating, which is harmful to the human body. Therefore, it is safer to choose the water cup numbered 5 at the bottom.

Look at the price.

High-quality plastic water cups are not cheap, costing tens of yuan at every turn, so the quality of a few yuan cheap plastic cups is difficult to guarantee. You can buy it when the plastic cup is on sale, and it can be cheaper. For our own health, we still choose high quality and low price.