
Do I need to wash the newly bought plastic storage box


When it comes to storage, that kind of large plastic bo […]

When it comes to storage, that kind of large plastic box is very popular because of its large capacity and affordable price, but many people always have the question of whether to wash the newly bought plastic storage box when buying a storage box. The following Xiaobian will take a look with you.
Although the newly bought storage box looks clean, it is inevitable that it will not come into contact with dirt and other dirty things during the production process, so it is recommended that you wash it before using it, so that it is both clean and comfortable to use.
When we receive the plastic storage box, in order to reduce the bacteria as much as possible, it must be cleaned before it can be used, and the cleaning method of the storage box is very simple. Add some hot water to the plastic box, put in laundry or detergent, wash it with a brush, and put it in a cool place to dry.
Mix 84 kinds of disinfectants and water in a ratio of 1:20 00, pour it into the basin that needs to be cleaned, and soak for 2 hours. It can be washed repeatedly with clean water, the effect is very good, and it will not cause any corrosion to plastic products. In addition to descaling, it is also a disinfectant.
